Friday, May 31, 2013


It's a wrap with the brother Drew on his Buddhist half sleeve. Check it out...

More F-Holes For Your Friday

Earlier this month, I posted (here) about a young woman named Ariel who had F-Holes tattooed on her inner left forearm.

Last week in my local Staples, I met Brian, a musician and recording engineer, and he shared his similar, and much larger tattoo:

Brian didn't give me much more information (i.e. artist, shop, etc.), but I appreciate him allowing me to share these F-holes here on Tattoosday!

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If you are seeing this on another website other than Tattoosday, without attribution, please note that it has been copied without the author's permission and is in violation of copyright laws. Please feel free to visit and read our original content. Please let me know if you saw this elsewhere so I contact the webmaster of the offending site and advise them of this violation in their Terms of Use Agreement.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

June walk-in days!

Hey guys, we are excited to announce that we are having a summer walk-in week, our first one ever, from June 10th till June 15th, both days included!
We started out planning a walk-in day, but we decided to try a whole week to make it a bit easier for those with not-so-flexible jobs, and well, just because we can!
Why not, right?

Matthew and Wendy will prepare some flash, but they will also be able to do small custom pieces, as long as you don't mind waiting for the drawing, of course.
They'll post sketches and flash on their instagrams in the coming weeks, so you can have a sneak peek at what designs you'll have to choose from.

We'll be starting at 1 pm every day, and finish whenever we're finished.
Uncle Allan is unfortunately booked that week, but he promises he'll do the next walk-in week, whenever that'll be*!

We hope many of you will want to come by, check out the shop and get a sweet new tattoo!
Any questions? Email me at

*And should anyone cancel during that week, he'll be ready with some rose flash, i'm sure :)

And one more time in German! (no, i totally didn't write that, i just have awesome German friends to translate for me, that's all): 
Hey da draussen, wir sind total aufgeregt euch allen unsere Sommer-Walk-In-Woche zu verkünden!!!!
Unsere erste Walk-In-Woche überhaupt und diese findet vom 10.-15. Juni statt! Also 6 Tage Walk-Ins!!

Wir haben eigentlich geplant einen Walk-In-Tag zu posten, aber haben uns dann kurzfristig dazu entschieden daraus eine ganze Woche zu machen, was es für alle ein wenig einfacher macht in Bezug auf Termine, nicht so flexible Arbeitszeiten, etc! Und natürlich weil wir es einfach machen können!
Also warum nicht, oder?

Wendy und Matthew bereiten gerade ein paar Flashs vor, haben aber auch sicherlich Zeit um einige Customarbeiten machen zu können, solange ihr euch dann die Zeit nehmt auf die Zeichnung zu warten.
Die beiden werden in den nächsten Tagen und Wochen einige Sketches und Flashs auf Instagram posten, so dass ihr die Möglichkeit habt, schon mal einen kleinen Vorgeschmack auf das zu bekommen, was euch dann erwartet und worauf ihr euch schon mal freuen könnt.

Starten werden wir jeden Tag um 13.00 Uhr und hören auf wann immer wir fertig sind.

Uncle Allan ist leider in dieser Woche komplett gebucht, hat aber versprochen, dass er bei der nächsten Walk-In-Woche dabei ist, wann auch immer diese stattfindet!
Sollte in dieser Woche allerdings jemand bei Allan seinen Termin canceln, wird er Wendy und Matthew bestimmt mit einigen Rosen aus seinem Flash zur Seite stehen.

Wir hoffen das viele von euch vorbeikommen, das Studio besichtigen und am Ende eine neues Tattoo tragen werden!

Mark's Sculpture by Jinx Comes to Life (NYC Tattoo Convention)

In this, our last post from the 2013 New York City Tattoo Convention, we're looking at a huge rib piece offered up by Mark:

Along with Mark, I met the artist, Jinx, from Gameface Tattoos in Orlando, Florida.

The piece represents about 48 hours of work and, as for its meaning, Mark said that he and Jinx "just really wanted to do a sculpture."

Thanks to Mark and Jinx for sharing their work here on Tattoosday!

This entry is ©2013 Tattoosday.

If you are seeing this on another website other than Tattoosday, without attribution, please note that it has been copied without the author's permission and is in violation of copyright laws. Please feel free to visit and read our original content. Please let me know if you saw this elsewhere so I contact the webmaster of the offending site and advise them of this violation in their Terms of Use Agreement.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Carlos Shares a Buddha Tattoo (NYC Tattoo Convention)

I met Carlos at the New York City Tattoo Convention earlier this month, and he shared this great tattoo:

Carlos told me that this tattoo was inspired by his appreciation of the Buddhist way of thinking.

It's a great black and gray piece, with that extra pop from the color from the cherry blossoms.

He credited Needles at East Side Ink in New York City. Needles' work has previously appeared on Tattoosday here and here.

Thanks to Carlos for sharing his tattoo with us here on Tattoosday!

This entry is ©2013 Tattoosday.

If you are seeing this on another website other than Tattoosday, without attribution, please note that it has been copied without the author's permission and is in violation of copyright laws. Please feel free to visit and read our original content. Please let me know if you saw this elsewhere so I contact the webmaster of the offending site and advise them of this violation in their Terms of Use Agreement.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

MEMORIAL DAY X VEGAS (Iphone edition) .

I spent the last four days in the Tower Suite at the Wynn hotel in Vegas with my fam. Maaaan I'm tired! This extended week end was epic. I wish I could have take better pictures because most of them came out blurry. Why? Because your boy was intoxicated most of the time haha… 4 days of partying with no break, popping bottles in the club to partying hard in the cabana at pool parties! We had so much fun, even though we've been to Vegas a lot lately, it's always a different experience. Now we're back at the studio ready to come up with new tattoos and designs for our new collections. Work!

Grinch and I like to keep a nice smile...

  I love room service!

 Can't get enough of this… I probably ate 8 of those in 4 days…haha

 Work hard play hard

 My favorite to fight the hangover.

 I grabbed a pic of GZA's arm. Still unfinished. 

 You got to keep them clean yo!

Jade's arm in the process of healing.

First you Turn UP and then… You turn down… haha J' Racks was on one.


Barbara's Back, Courtesy of Leslie Reesen from Mad Science in The Netherlands (NYC Tattoo Convention)

One of the great things about tattoo conventions is that you get to see more back pieces than you would say, walking the streets of New York.

I've always managed to capture at least one great back tattoo from my trips to the New York City Tattoo Convention each year, and here we have another one to add to the mix:

This huge tattoo belongs to Barbara, who was working at the Mad Science Tattooing booth at Roseland.
She credited the piece to one of the artists Leslie Reesen, who was working the convention. Mad Science is located in The Hague in the Netherlands.

She was happy to share this back tattoo which represents about 55 hours of work (and extends below the waist line). Barbara explained a little about its origin.
"I wanted to do the Leaf Man, the face with all the leaves ... I really like it ... I gave him [Reesen] a free hand about the design, so it's really his own drawings ... There's one detail that I really like, because I used to be a ballet dancer and, in Wicca ...the leaf man is the god of the dance so maybe that's why I always liked the Leaf Man, I don't know, or it's more coincidence...".
Here's a shot I took of Reesen in action during the Convention:

And, in case you were wondering what he was tattooing on this woman's mohawked head, Mr. Reesen was kind enough, after the convention, to share the completed tattoo with us here on Tattoosday:

Photo courtesy of Leslie Reesen
Thank you to Barbara for sharing her Leaf Man back piece with us and, in so doing, helping introduce me to the talented artists from Mad Science in the Netherlands, especially Leslie Reesen!

This entry is ©2013 Tattoosday.

If you are seeing this on another website other than Tattoosday, without attribution, please note that it has been copied without the author's permission and is in violation of copyright laws. Please feel free to visit and read our original content. Please let me know if you saw this elsewhere so I contact the webmaster of the offending site and advise them of this violation in their Terms of Use Agreement.

African Savannah

Just finished this one last night. I think i may have gotten my "Red Phase" out of my system.
It is for sale. Mail me if your interested. Tonyspsangler1 @
18x24 on Canvas Board. This is original art. Not a print.

Monday, May 27, 2013

Original Sculpture for sale. The Amazing Spider-Man / Iron Spider

Original sculpture for sale. Never been molded or cast. 
The colored pic is a mock up painted in Photoshop. The sculpt has NOT been painted.

Reposting Mike's Marine in Honor of Memorial Day

The following post is from four years ago, and was shared then to commemorate Memorial Day. It seems appropriate to revisit it again:

It only seemed fitting that, on this Memorial Day, we feature a tattoo that honors our men and women in uniform.

A week ago, I was fresh off of my experience at the New York City Tattoo Convention, and everything I saw on the street was uninteresting. Until I passed by Mike and did a double-take.

This is the tattoo on Mike's inner right forearm:

Mike explained that, as a United States Marine, he was choosing to honor the corps by building a sleeve of iconic military photographs.

If you think this is an impressive tattoo (which it is), seeing the source material further magnifies how phenomenal a replica the artist has created on Mike's flesh:

A page on explains this image further:
"While units of the U.S. Far East Air Forces Combat Cargo Command made an all-out effort to aid embattled units of the First Marine Division and Seventh Infantry Division, the men fighting in Korea were trying desperately to link up in their battle for survival. This marine is shown just as he reached the crest of the ridge at the link-up point. Wet, stinging snow and ice made the operation the most difficult sort, as unleashed hordes of communist troops charge again and again into the United Nations forces. (circa December 1950) "
In addition to this tattoo, Mike has a Vietnam-era photo of a Marine sniper inked on his right biceps.

This astonishing tattoo was created by Randy Prause at Permanent Buzz Tattoo, in Denville, New Jersey.

A hearty thanks to Mike for sharing this tattoo with us here on Memorial Day. More importantly, Tattoosday expresses even more gratitude to Mike and all his fellow soldiers and who have so bravely served our country to ensure the freedoms we enjoy each day.

Have a safe and pleasant Memorial Day!

This entry is © 2009, 2013 Tattoosday.

If you are seeing this on another website other than Tattoosday, without attribution, please note that it has been copied without the author's permission and is in violation of copyright laws. Please feel free to visit and read our original content. Please let me know if you saw this elsewhere so I contact the webmaster of the offending site and advise them of this violation in their Terms of Use Agreement.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Head Cross by Needles

There's a guy I've seen around for the past couple of years who I've been dying to ask about his tattoo.

I finally inquired last week and he agreed to share the tattoo, but wished to remain anonymous:

He credited this Celtic cross to Needles at East Side Ink, in New York City.

We'll have something else later in the week by Needles, as well.

Thanks to the gentleman above for sharing his head tattoo with us here on Tattoosday!

This entry is ©2013 Tattoosday.

If you are seeing this on another website other than Tattoosday, without attribution, please note that it has been copied without the author's permission and is in violation of copyright laws. Please feel free to visit and read our original content. Please let me know if you saw this elsewhere so I contact the webmaster of the offending site and advise them of this violation in their Terms of Use Agreement.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Chris and His Koi (at the NYC Tattoo Convention)

I'll be honest, koi tattoos are pretty popular, so I don't often post photos of them. But, every once in a while, I see an exceptional one, and feel compelled to share it here.

The photo above is of a stunning koi tattoo, courtesy of a guy named Chris, who I met last week at the NYC Tattoo Convention.

It's an exceptionally well-done piece, with the traditional Japanese carp, or koi, swimming upstream, along with a lotus flower at the bottom and cherry blossoms at the top. Note also the way water and movement is skillfully represented.

Chris credited Jeremy Miller from Screamin' Ink Tattoo in Fair Lawn, New Jersey. Note: this is a different Jeremy Miller than the one who competed on the first season of Ink Master.

I usually see something spectacular from the talented crew at Screamin' Ink every year at the convention, all of which can be seen in previous posts with their shop tagged here.

Thanks to Chris for sharing this great sleeve with us here on Tattoosday!

This entry is ©2013 Tattoosday.

If you are seeing this on another website other than Tattoosday, without attribution, please note that it has been copied without the author's permission and is in violation of copyright laws. Please feel free to visit and read our original content. Please let me know if you saw this elsewhere so I contact the webmaster of the offending site and advise them of this violation in their Terms of Use Agreement.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Jeffrey's Jimi Hendrix Portait (at the NYC Tattoo Convention)

I met Jeffrey at this year's New York City Tattoo Convention last weekend, and he shared the above tattoo, one of a dozen famous portraits he has adorning his body.

That is, of course, Jimi Hendrix.

Jeffrey told me, "I just love black and gray portraits," and that the shading was so intense on this piece, that at one point he passed out in the middle of getting it, which took about nine hours to complete.

He credited the artist Kris Busching at Undead Ink in Oceanside, New York.

Thanks to Jeffrey for sharing this amazing portrait with us here on Tattoosday!

This entry is ©2013 Tattoosday.

If you are seeing this on another website other than Tattoosday, without attribution, please note that it has been copied without the author's permission and is in violation of copyright laws. Please feel free to visit and read our original content. Please let me know if you saw this elsewhere so I contact the webmaster of the offending site and advise them of this violation in their Terms of Use Agreement.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

New Work by Brett Baumgart

 Brett Baumgart has been killing it lately! Check out some new tattoo work and a couple of new color pencil drawings!

Realistic Tiger

Color Pencil Drawing. A gift for Brett Baumgarts father.

Realistic Orchid tattooed on Michelle. 

Partially done Realistic Typewriter 

Brett Baumgart tattooing himself at the Body Art Expo in SF. 

partially completed galaxy tattoo WAY more to go!

Bird side piece 

A partially completed portait 

Realistic Hummingbird 

Watercolor portrait of a ship on Hunters arm.

Realistic birds

Colored pencil Drawing by brett baumgart

Realistic Cassette Player buttons