Thursday, July 30, 2009

Say chees-u!

It's been too long since anything has happened on this blog, sorry about that.
But the shop has been busy and when the shop is busy, so are we!
And we do have our own blogs to update as well... you understand, right?

Here are some pictures from last friday at the shop.
Like i said, it had been a busy week (not regular-shop busy i guess, but Conspiracy-busy, nonetheless) with a guest artist and lots of clients and visitors.
Friday we had cake and took some shop photos.
It was Eckels idea, and a good one too.
For some reason we never think of doing that ourselves.

It's important to stretch before taking a good group photo
And, if you're Allan, it's also important to make your already huge hair extra fluffy
From left to right: Allan, Eckel, Eric, Lucifer and me, and the photographer is Christel
This one is actually kind of good
Allan did this one on Eric
Eckel did this on Christel (picture is a little yellow, but i'll get a healed photo as soon as it's, uhm, healed)
And this on Marisa earlier in the day

Now, if you'll excuse me, i'm actually on vacation, so i shouldn't even be here!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Batman: A Work In Progress


Started on this one the otherday. Just thought id post some in progress pix.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Older sculpts.


Again...Not a new one but one i thought id post some older stuff just just for the fun of it.

Miss America : )
(sorry...Just had to do it)

Centaur, The blind Archer.

This Iron-Spider has not been painted. This is just a pic of the sculpture that has had color added to it by a great friend Wes Venable.

Sith Twi Lek, Darth Talon

Photoshoped Lightsaber added for sh*ts and giggles.

Batman 1/2 scale bust

Venom 1/3rd scale bust

Sinful Suzi 1/4 scale

Batgirl 1/5th scale "Babs"

Elvira Conversion. Original sculpted by John Dennet for Screamin Models. I just had to have some fun with it. Yes....Im a boob man.

Spider-Man bust 1/3rd scale

Red Sonja.

This is not a new sculpt but one i did last year. Thought some of you may enjoy seeing her.
1/5th scale.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Super Sanna

Allan started a backpiece today.
He doesn't do those often, mostly because people seem to like starting them, but finishing...? Not so much!
But this time we have high hopes, cause Sanna has a shit ton of appointments and a high tolerance for pain.
What up!

The sketch (without background)
Todays session, next time more lines and possibly some background

More backpiece goodness in August!

August guest artist: Lewis Hess

Our good buddy Lewis Hess from Atlas Tattoo in Portland, Oregon is coming to visit us in August and while he's here he might as well do some tattoos, right?
Isn't it lucky we happen to have a tattoo shop then?!

We're not completely sure about the dates yet, but it'll probably look something like this:
August 20th, 21st and August 31st.

That means he has time for just a few tattoos while he's here, so contact us right now if you want in!
He will also be working a bit at Infamous in Stockholm, so if you're closer to the Sthlm than the Cph, contact Infamous or Lewis to book there.

Lewis and his trusty sidekick?
Some of his awesome work:

Monday, July 13, 2009

By the way

We're working at home today, so if you were gonna drop by the shop, please do so tuesday-friday.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

1/4th Scale Original sculpture Wonder Woman.


Just finished this big girl up. Done as a portfolio piece she has yet to find a home.
Sculpted in a mix of pink super sculpey and grey firm super sculpey.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

The perfect client?

That might be what you'd call someone who sits, still and without complaining, for six hours of lines, and brings us amazing homemade cake all the way from Sweden.

So good...

Thanks Kajsa!